PvP Protection

Maximize your security with protection features shielding you from rival players.

New Player Protection

  • Protection for the first 24 hours or level 40.
  • Protection can also be provided if you are wiped. Create a ticket in discord with a screenshot of the tribe log to request protection after a wipe.
  • You can remove protection with /removeprotection confirm.

Raid Protection

  • Automatically kicks in on day 2 or 3 of wipe for 24 hours for all players.
  • Prevents structures being destroyed while the owner is offline.

PvP Cooldown

  • A 4 minute cooldown will begin after entering combat or structure is destroyed.
  • You can only use the /suicide command when not in pvp cooldown, handcuffed or knocked out.

Offline Raid Protection


Hide Under a Rock

See Camo Projector ImageCamo Projector